Alice Will Caroline
photo: Mischa Baka
photo: Mischa Baka
Caroline in rehearsal
photo: Mischa Baka
Blowin' Up
October 2016
Melbourne Fringe
Presented by the Substation
Blowin' Up was presented as one show comprised of three linked solos, and saw us each develop our individual choreographic capacities. Blowin' Up focused strongly on the moving body and site-responsive making.
Blowin' Up is a series of three linked solo performances. Three contemporary dances that are a bit like performance, and contemporary performances that are a bit like dance, three strange takes on what it feels like to be alive.
In Sneaky Bastard Caroline lies in wait. In thick silence and with deep restraint, she plans and then lashes out. Come see the Murky Beauty dance.
In The Bush Capital Alice is off on a journey. Torn between her impulses to either re-join the natural world, or to rule it, follow our heroine as she breaks down walls and faces up to some of life’s greatest hurdles.
With Lyin' Down we can all relax. William brings us all together for a natter and a bit of a roll around. Part-storytime, part-awkward lap dance, part-hypnotism, part-requiem.
'Caroline Meaden, Alice Dixon, and William McBride feel like the type of performers that make me want to ask: could your trio become a quartet?...
From “part-storytime, part-awkward lap dance, part hypnotism, part-requiem,” all three solos reveal their earnest take on life. This is “what it feels like to be alive right now.” An unpolished lullaby, a gentle roll, I am warmed by the sense of camaraderie Meaden, Dixon, and McBride create. Jam toast and fine company can hush life’s little heartbreaks.'
Gracia Haby for Fjord Review
Choreography and Performance
MICHAEL MCNAB with musical compositions from KEVIN LO
Arts House Evolution Award at the Melbourne Fringe Awards.
Filmed by Mischa Baka